Sunday, August 23, 2009

SW Newsletter for August

We have news from Brasil, family and friends. This month is DaVinci's birthday!

Check out our monthly newsletter by following this link.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


New photos of our future foal - DaVinci do Summerwind, owned by Connie Claire, Ocala.

Almost a year old now, these will make a great birthday card! DaVinci is the product of La Paz Jivago (Sunset Marchadors) and Bossa Nova de Miami.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pictures from Brasil 2009 Trip

Come visit picasaweb to view our photos and share some of Brasil with us. The photos are from Belo Horizonte at the National Horse show for the Mangalarga Marchador, and from other cities in Minas Gerais state like Tiradentes and Cruzilia.

This year 2009 was the 60th anniversary of the founding of the ABCCMM, the Brasilian Marchador association and there will be a documentary produced to commemorate the Marchador history and this historic celebration. This photo is of a Marchador stallion named Emblema EAO, pure Favacho in bloodlines who we liked very much.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brasil Trip

We are just back from Brasil! Another wonderful visit with friends and of course, Mangalarga Marchador horses! Stay tuned for our SW diaries and pictures as well as a special July newsletter (belated) with the highlights of the ABCCMM National Horse Show.

This horse is multi-champion FAVACHO ESTANHO. He has also sired over 35 champions in Brazil. We hope to import frozen semen soon in 2009.